HEAD acoustics GmbH: Dr. Aulis Telle new member of management

As of October 1, 2017 Dr.-Ing., Aulis Telle has been appointed as managing director of the HEAD acoustics GmbH. He succeeds Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Genuit, who founded the company in 1986, and is now responsible for product management, development, sales and distribution as well as consulting of the NVH division. Prof. Genuit remains managing director and takes on the responsibility for Research Sound & Vibration (S&V), merging the former departments Research NVH and Sound Perception and Assessment (SPA) of HEAD acoustics NVH division.
Dr. Aulis Telle, a specialist in digital signal processing and acoustic measurement technology holding a doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering, started his career at HEAD acoustics GmbH six years ago. After three years together with Prof. Dr. Roland Sottek in the Research Department of the NVH division, he joined in the technical managing team as assistant of Prof. Genuit. In this position he was able to optimally prepare himself for his duties as managing director. “I’m very happy about the trust placed in me and the intensive cooperation with my colleagues both here at the headquarter in Herzogenrath and internationally, in order to successfully develop HEAD acoustics and to continue to achieve steady growth”.
In addition to this news in the active management, Mr. Reinhard Scholz, who was Commercial Director of HEAD acoustics GmbH from 1992 to 2016, is retiring. A year ago, Mr. Scholz handed over the commercial management to his successor Stephan Noth. Until now, he remained responsible for the further expansion of the company’s international presence. He was particularly active in the founding of subsidiaries in South Korea and China. On September 15, 2017, Mr. Scholz received a ceremonial farewell during the employees’ meeting. As active board member of the HEAD-Genuit-Stiftung foundation, which holds a 30% share of HEAD acoustics GmbH, he remains tightly connected to the company.
HEAD acoustics GmbH est une des plus importantes entreprises proposant des solutions globales pour l'analyse du son et des vibrations. Dans le secteur des télécommunications, l'entreprise jouit d'une reconnaissance mondiale grâce à son expertise et à son rôle de pionnier dans le développement de matériel et de logiciels pour la mesure, l'analyse et l'optimisation de la qualité de la parole et de l’audio, ainsi que de solutions et de services spécifiques aux clients. La gamme de services de HEAD acoustics couvre l'ingénierie du son pour les produits techniques, l'étude des bruits environnementaux, l'ingénierie de la qualité vocale ainsi que le conseil, la formation et l'assistance. Située à Herzogenrath, près d'Aix-la-Chapelle, l’entreprise possède des filiales en Chine, en France, en Italie, en Inde, au Japon, en Corée du Sud, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis, ainsi que de nombreux partenaires commerciaux dans le monde entier.
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath