HQS – Optimize the product quality beyond international specifications

The specifications defined by the international standardization bodies cover a wide range of measurements and analysis for the evaluation and optimization of communication systems. HEAD acoustics Quality Standards (HQS) go one step further: The test suites developed by HEAD acoustics enable manufacturer to measure and to analyze their products beyond international specifications and to optimize the product quality.

You don´t find the appropriate test suite for your application? Contact us: telecom@head-acoustics.com

HQS-Ac2Ac (Code 60025)

HQS-Ac2Ac allows to test arbitrary voice communication systems from a purely acoustic end-to-end viewpoint. It is ideally suited for testing speech transmission quality of inaccessible transmission paths, e.g. due to encryption, proprietary codecs or location-bound endpoints. The test suite covers basic and advanced performance metrics in voice communication, e.g. echo, double-talk, interfering background noise and more.

HQS-ANC-Car (Code 60066)

HQS-ANC-Car is a test suite for integrated and stand-alone active noise cancellation (ANC) systems in vehicles. The test suite contains tests regarding ambient noise reduction, listening effort improvement of external speech, and a self-noise assessment of the ANC system.

HQS-Audio (Code 60051)

HQS-Audio is the test suite for more sophisticated testing and analyzing of audio devices. HQS-Audio contains four projects for different applications: loudspeaker drivers, enclosed loudspeakers, headphones, and in-car audio systems. The projects are subdivided into basic and advanced measurements.

HQS-AudioBasic (Code 60052)

The test suite HQS-AudioBasic is a subset of HQS-Audio and focusses on electroacoustic tests of loudspeakers only. Therefore, the test suite contains just two projects for the applications loudspeaker drivers and enclosed loudspeakers.

HQS-Bluetooth®-Source (Code 60001)

HQS-Bluetooth-Source allows analyzing voice and audio quality performance of Bluetooth audio gateways (e.g. mobile phones). The test suite ensures compatibility of Bluetooth enabled mobile devices with accessories attached to these devices like Bluetooth connected speakerphones or headsets.

HQS-ICC (Code 60015)

The test suite HQS-ICC covers various important quality aspects of in-car communication (ICC) systems: noise and speech transmission spectrum, speech levels and signal-to-noise ratios of speech, speech intelligibility index (SII), and delay of the ICC system.

HQS-IP (Code 6769)

HQS-IP provides comprehensive tests for speech quality assessment of VoIP systems and components. The test suite provides measurements for the analysis of delay, speech transmission quality, echo, quality during double talk, and quality of background noise transmission. HQS-IP comprises all relevant tests in various IP scenarios like electrical to electrical (gateway tests), acoustical to electrical (IP terminals and gateways), and acoustical to acoustical (two IP terminals).

HQS-IP-Gateway (Code 6786)

HQS-IP-Gateway consists of a subset of HQS-IP with the scenario “electrical to electrical”. The test suite HQS-IP-Gateway provides tests for the analysis of delay, speech transmission quality, echo, quality during double talk, and quality of background noise transmission.

HQS-IP-Phones (Code 6787)

HQS-IP-Phones consists of a subset of HQS-IP with the scenario “acoustical to electrical”. The test suite provides measurements for the analysis of delay, speech transmission quality, echo, quality during double talk, and quality of background noise transmission.

HQS-Mobile-II (Code 60011)

HQS-Mobile-II is the HEAD acoustics Quality Standard for voice quality assessment of mobile phones. The test suite covers all conversational voice quality aspects of handsets like delay, speech transmission quality, echo, quality during double talk, quality of background noise transmission.

HQS-Mobile-Additions-II (Code 60012)

HQS-Mobile-Additions-II is the optional extension of HQS-Mobile-II. The standard provides additional measurements for hands-free and mp3 headsets.

HQS-SmartHome (Code 60054)

HQS-SmartHome enables optimizing smart speaker as well as other voice-operated smart home devices. The test suite considers different aspects: measurements with single talker and multiple talkers, orientation-dependent measurements as well as testing in the presence of background noises. HQS-SmartHome ensures true-to-reality testing of smart home devices.

HQS-ViBRIDGE (Code 60067)

HQS-ViBRIDGE allows optimizing and analyzing the performance of earbuds which are equipped with bone conduction sensors. The quality standard contains multiple test cases for measuring the speech quality in the uplink for different scenarios, e.g. with interfering background noise, in double-talk situations and in the presence of a near-end concurrent talker.

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