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Sound and vibration analysis with ArtemiS SUITE (basic training) / Artemis SUITE 15 사용법

face to face seminar


Two-day course
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Contact for more details


Artemis SUITE 사용자

교육 내용 및 요약

2일동안 Artemis Suite 사용자 교육을 대면으로 진행하며, SUITE Recorder를 이용한 측정 (소음, 진동, CANFD), Pool Project에서 Mark Analyzer, Data Viewer 이용한 분석, 전달함수 측정 및 Modal Analysis 시연 및 실습을 진행합니다.


  • Data acquisition
    1. Sensor Library
    2. Measurement Point Library
    3. Recorder Configuration, Online Monitor
  • Playback
  • Decode Project
  • RPM Generator
  • Channel Editor
  • Pool Project
    1. Mark Analyzer and online filtering
    2. Data Viewer
    3. Report Generator
  • Impact Measurement System
  • Modal Analysis, ODS
  • Sound Engineering 
  • Automation Project

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HEAD acoustics SARL

2, route de la Noue BP 76
91193 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex


HEAD acoustics SARL, France

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