Oscillations are everywhere
Every human being is in contact with the world of sound, whether desired or unwanted. People perceive sound in many forms: as vibrations, voices, or sounds in general. The effects that sound can have on us are correspondingly diverse. Poor acoustics in buildings can cause stress, while the manifold sounds of a forest have a relaxing effect. Vibrations can damage components and structures but can have a beneficial effect during production processes.
Communication can be pleasant or tiring - it mostly depends on the necessary listening effort. All these aspects - as well as the countless other facets of the subject - have fascinated me since my student days. The interdisciplinary aspects motivated my thesis and doctorate just as much as they shape my leading role at the university as a chief engineer and now my involvement with HEAD acoustics.
Real-life-proof means constantly keeping an eye on reality and its transformations.
Technology can inspire and fascinate, but it must not be an end in itself. Ultimately, technology must generate value for people so that companies and private individuals invest in products. If a technology-oriented company like HEAD acoustics wants to remain one of the "hidden champions", the question "What will the world need in the near future?" must constantly be on our minds. We can only answer this question if we act in a customer-oriented manner and constantly monitor developments in the market. In times of digitization, it is necessary to ask ourselves this question at ever shorter intervals because product development times are becoming ever shorter, and the possible uses of technology are multiplying, even in the private domain - just think of the now ubiquitous voice communication with smart devices.
But simply answering the question as to the right way forward is not enough. It is essential to have motivated employees and operational structures that enable us to respond to new requirements in an agile and effective manner. That's why we ask ourselves just as regularly, "How can we do this a little bit better tomorrow?"