
What does the world sound like?
The holistic soundscape concept can be used to evaluate and describe acoustic environments. Here the focus is not on the question of how loud sounds are, but how people perceive them in a specific situation. Considering the effect on people opens up potential for shaping the acoustic environment both indoors and outdoors, for instance, in
- Noise control
- Urban planning
- Room acoustics
- Vehicle NVH and Active Sound Design
The “measuring instrument” in all of this is the human perception.
Standardized recording and analysis of perception
The term “soundscape” and the associated methods have been standardized in the ISO 12913 series. This standard specifies the following methods for the evaluation of the acoustic environment in soundscape studies:
- The collecting of perception-related data obtained through questionnaires/interviews
- The use of binaural recordings for:
- Describing the acoustic environment using (psycho)acoustic parameters
- Documenting the acoustic environment
- Reproducing the acoustic environment using aurally accurate playback
- Analysis of relationships between psychoacoustic parameters and perception
Solutions from the soundscape pioneers
Whether in situ or in a listening studio, our jury testing software allows you to record all the perception-related data for your soundscape study.
Our mobile multi-channel data acquisition and standards-compliant artificial head systems guarantee aurally accurate recordings of the highest quality and authenticity.
Use our intuitive analysis software for all (psycho)acoustic analyses in accordance with the soundscape standard.